Colourful illustration of a bowl of fruit and a glass of sparkling water next to it, by Sandy van Helden

Project: Food Editorials

Homage to food

“You are a pattern in a flow. Your identity jumps all the time from atoms to atoms. The atoms in the food you had for lunch last month now form a pattern that helps you remember your childhood. Your memories persist, but the carrots and the cucumbers that carry them around - they change all the time.”

- Tor Nørretranders

Drawing of a woman shopping for food in front of a produce store, by Sandy van Helden
Still life of a mandarin on a plate on a patterned tablecloth, by Sandy van Helden
Illustration of a girl eating ramen in a restaurant, by Sandy van Helden
Woman walking with shopping bag filled with food, in front of a produce store, by Sandy van Helden

Women - Self-initiated


Nike Foodball - Editorial